When using Open Source tools, my first criteria is: does it do what I want or need? Then I look at whether there is a "stable" release. I've learned not to use "alpha" or "beta" releases. Next I look at how recently it has been updated. If no one has touched it for a year or more, I generally won't use it. Third, I try to see how many users there currently are. A product with 12 users, regardless of it's stability rating or frequency of update, just doesn't have much of a future. Finally, after I've installed it, do I keep using it? Does it play well with other related tools? Does it actually make my development life easier? If I have to open a Command window to use the tool, I throw it out. If I have to have multiple windows open to move information around, I throw it out. With that set of criteria in mind, here are my favorites that I deem "good":
- Project Locker (https://projectlocker.com/): Everyone needs a repository. I could do this at home, but then I have a bunch of stuff to back up, have to install server updates, etc. Project Locker offers free repository services for small projects. Since most of my projects done at home are smaller, they fit in this category. They also have paid services for larger repository requirements. They offer SubVersion and Git repositories, and a wealth of project management software as well. Having a repository for even small projects has saved my a** more than once. Never start a project without one...
- TortoiseSVN (http://tortoisesvn.net/): Once you have a repository, you need a client tool to access the repository. This one has a GUI interface, and adds menu items to the Explorer context menu that allow you to interface to your repository right from Explorer. In addition it has a set of folder icons to use in Explorer, that show you graphically the state of your files and folders vis-a-vis the repository state. This tool is absolutely wonderful!
- AnkhSVN (http://ankhsvn.open.collab.net/): It was a bit of a toss-up deciding in which category to put this: in the "Plug-in" section, or "Repository Tools" section? I finally decided to put it here, because its main purpose is to interface with a SubVersion repository. This is a plug-in to Visual Studio that (as does TortoiseSVN in Explorer), shows you the status of your files in your solution/projects. If you are using Visual Source Safe (AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!), or TFS on other projects (like at work), this has a similar interface - except for a SubVersion repository.
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